This is Family Line Reference [J3], details known are ......

James Mutch born 1759 - died 18 November 1840


His father was James Mutch [J40]


Spouse Ann Rothnie born 1746 - died 12 January 1833. They married 25 July 1784 in the parish of New Deer.
Children were:
  1. James [J10] born 1780 christened 16 December 1780 in the parish of New Deer - died 29 September 1874 in the parish of New Deer. Married Elisabeth Massie

Last updated: Sunday, 11th July 2004

Webmaster's notes:

This information comes from a mix of IGI and ANESFHS Ancestor Chart 2415, which gives James' parents as James + Jean Thomson (m) about 1755.